Welcome to the official website of Extreme Generation (E|G) Clan!

This website dedicated to all members of E|G Clan, their friends, family members and the community. E|G Clan members may regularly post their game schedules and programmes here. If you're a player at one of our servers, here you will get all the latest updates and announcements from E|G community, including our rules and regulations, server statuses, options to apply for recruitment and report foul players at our servers. You'll also find our reviews about gaming on our website. E|G Clan forums and dedicated Android app have been released for our community too, be sure to check them out from the links at the bottom of the page. We're always looking for noble players from all over Pakistan including international gamers, apply for recruitment now and Happy Gaming!
About E|G Clan
E|G is a small and competitive Clan to-date in Call of Duty gaming based in Pakistan. E|G stands for Extreme Generation, and the Clan is a diverse population of gamers from all over the world, playing on PC platform. E|G Clan is housing some of the cherished and noble class of gamers on the planet.
We’ve players, divisions and teams on majorly on PC platforms.
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