Best Configuration Practices For COD4

Whilst many of you now might be running COD4 on Maximum graphics settings and Full-HD resolutions on your next-gen PCs with stable FPS. Still, not every single one of you might be getting as much performance. The reason is, ofcourse, you're limited by the hardware performance. Generally talking about performance, after hardware, the next thing that affects your performance in almost every game is your config/settings. Try turning to everything low and you'll get a reasonable FPS and performance boost. This guide - with particular emphasis to COD4, explains how you can experience the smooth running of game as per your expectations by following simple recommended ways mentioned below.

a) Hardware

When it comes to hardware, the most important thing that matters here depending upon your setup is how much FPS (for those who don't know; ie. "Frames Per Second" rendered by your game engine and sent to the display) you get while you play the game. On average, anything above 60 FPS on your native resolution in still a quite playable experience. While in game, open up the console (if you haven't enabled it, enable it from Options > Multiplayer Options) using (~ ) key right above the TAB key on your keyboard and type :
/cg_drawfps 1 
Hit enter. On the top right corner numbers appear stating your FPS. Take a note of that. You can also use 3rd party Benchmarking Softwares like Fraps to measure up your FPS.

For most of the games, 60 FPS still a very playable experience, But if you want to play COD4 competitively, you need to get a stable 125 FPS at the least. For best possible movement on public servers, it would be even better if you could get a stable 250 FPS. If you plan on being a professional COD player, you need to get a stable 333 FPS. If you're getting on any FPS lower than these numbers, then your computer certainly needs upgrading. You should consider upgrading your Processor, Graphics Card and RAM. If you're getting around 250 FPS or anything above 125 FPS, you should be fine.

b) Configs

Tweaking your configs can either give you a huge FPS boost, or a small one, it different for other computers. The first step is to make sure that you have all the graphics options turned as down as possible, so start up Call of Duty 4, go Options > Graphics, set as LOW resolution as possible and turn every other setting either on LOW or OFF. Then, go to the Texture Settings, under Texture Quality select Manual, and turn everything on LOW.

The next step is to set certain commands inside the console that will also give you a reasonable FPS boost. Press ~ to open up console, type these commands and hit enter after each:

/r_fullbright 1
/r_drawdecals 0
/r_drawsun 0
/r_drawwater 0
/r_detail 0
/fx_enable 0
/r_fog 0
/cg_blood 0
/cg_brass 0
/com_maxfps 250
/r_distortion 0                                   
/r_vsync 0                       
/r_glow 0
/r_dof_enable 0
/r_specular 0                     

/sm_enable 0
/r_fullscreen 1

Once done, type /vid_restart and hit enter to see the changes in action! I find it easier to add these commands to a config file lets say my_config.cfg by adding them to an empty notepad document and saving in a .cfg format inside /main folder of COD4 directory and loading up the config in game by typing /exec my_config.cfg - This saves you from the hassle of entering all of these commands again and again everytime your COD4 default config gets resetted. Compare your FPS with old results now and hopefully, you would be able to see a significant FPS boost.

c) Operating System 

While your PC might be capable of getting stable FPS you might not be getting it even under the proper CoD4 configurations, reason? Maybe your operating system is a mess? Your OS can be using a lot of CPU and RAM and that can seriously decrease FPS in-games. You can try using msconfigservices.msc in Windows and disable / turn off unnecessary programs and services. As the services/programs running in background when you're playing can make a noticeable hit on your performance, and hence, lowering your FPS.

Note that there are also some other configs made especially for FPS boost from many COD players across the planet. You can try using them too if you're being held back by really low FPS and you don't look forward to upgrade your computer anywhere in future. is a great website to explore for custom COD4 configs and much more.

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